


Get ready for the Spring 2025 Hunting season!! Join Big Nick and friends as we talk and teach hunting.

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Are you ready for the Spring  2025 Bear and turkey hunting?

I have to say I cannot wait for spring to arrive!!! My heart is pumping with excitement as I have already started getting my spring hunting gear in order. I am out scouting for deer, setting up the spring bear stands, and submitting my application for a doe tag at the Big Nick hunt camp. I am heading up in a couple of weeks and will be sending some google maps pictures as we start building the camp and getting ready for the fall bear hunt. I will be searching new areas for Turkey’s roosting in trees, and carefully listening for those all important morning gobbles.

Time Commitment: The spring opener class takes place over two evenings. Start time is 6pm and end at 10pm.

If you are interested in learning the basics of hunting with the end result being that you are harvesting 100% organic meat (free range, hormone and antibiotic-free) then this is the program for you.

This class begins with reasons why we hunt and then jumps right into being a safe and successful, responsible, ethical and lawful hunter. We learn about ecology, ecosystems, and habitat of the various game species in Ontario. We learn about the key aspects of scouting both at-home preparation, drive and glass, and in the field. This is key in understanding where you need to be in order to be a successful hunter. Now that you’re in the right “SPOT”, we will learn about hunting techniques starting with bows, muzzleloaders, shotguns, and rifles. This includes understanding the various types of ammunition available and what to use as an ethical and responsible hunter. We will then talk about field dressing (cleaning) our harvest so it is clean and safe for consumption. We will talk about preparing game, so it is ready for the freezer, the BBQ, roaster, stewing pot, smokehouse, or frying pan. We need to talk about worst-case scenarios so we spend time reviewing the very basics of first aid and survival in the event you become lost or injured enjoying the hunt.

Whether for bow hunting or gun hunting you need the OHEP course, this is the Ontario Hunter Education Program. We are full-time licensed and certified trainers for this course.


Event Details

Venue: 75 Tiverton Court Markham, Ontario

Directions: Classes are located at 75 Tiverton Court. This is the Toshiba Building. Please drive to the back of the building and come to the Training Centre Entrance and Call 905-943-4343 so I can come and open the door

Phone: (416)-817-2317

Email: [email protected]

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